
by Missy_May   Jan 19, 2005

I drop to my knee's
And scream, "please"
Please take away the dirtiness i feel inside
Take away all my sins

Make me clean again,
take away all the nights I'd sit and cry,
Wishing that I'd die,
to you my secrets i will confide,

i hope you can forgive me for my sins,
And so my confessions begin,
God you remember that girl I'd make fun of?
The one I used to push and shove?

The guy I used to laugh at?
Because he was just a little fat?
How bout the girl that because of me rumors flew?
All because her family could barley make do?

Not telling my brother when that iceberg was floating off,
I just sat there and let out a little cough?
member the time i stole that ten dollars?
And said it was one of my scholars?

The time slit my wrist?
Because i was really freaking pissed?
Or the time i got really wasted?
Even though I hated the way the stuff tasted?

I could go on,
but I would never finish before dawn,
And besides,
You already know every lie that hides,

So I must ask a favor from you
I can\'t live with myself until this is threw,
I beg of you to forgive my sins,
please God, please, wash away my sins,

One more chance,
Give this a second glance,
Can you forgive me?
Although I\'ve done you wrong?


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  • 20 years ago

    by Ksusha

    regret is the worst thing... i suggest dont do it just keep looking forward learning from the past and make thing better in the future like not make fun of the kids

  • 20 years ago

    by Alexis

    this poem is freakin amazing! keep writing ur awesum

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    that was really good!! im also making a poem about my 'confessions'!! but this was good!! keep it up!! :)

  • 20 years ago

    by leanne

    It kick ass i love it boogie can i use it on my web site if i said you made it ?

  • 20 years ago

    by Missy_May
