How Come?

by creasy   Jan 19, 2005

You say you love me, you say you care;
So how come when I needed you, you weren’t there?

You said you’d be there, if I ever needed help;
You said if I were in hell, you’d be there to take me out.

You said that no matter what happens, we’ll get through;
You said that forever, you’ll be true.

You said that you’ll be by my side, forever & always;
You said that we’d get through, them rainy days!

You said that our life, would be like a dream;
You said that everything, we’d do as a team!

You said that you’d be here, from the start;
You said that you’d never, break my heart!

You say that I’m, the only one;
So how come I saw you, with that bum?

You said you would never lie;
You said that you would never say good-bye.
...But this was just another lie!

You said that you’d be here, to the end;
So how come you came now, telling me, it was the end?

You said that you wouldn’t act dumb;
now you leave & I’m left asking...



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  • 20 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    good job i think you made a point

  • 20 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    wonderful poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Minkus

    Good job on this one, just try not to use comments so much and stuff... and get a little more rhythm in your lines. That's it, good job!

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    thanks for allt he comments!! they are greatly appreciated!! keep up all your great work!! :) peace and love.

  • wow great poem i love the way it was set out your a talented poet it really shows in your work you have a gift great poem once again i mean it! 5/5
    bec xXx