I'm Waiting

by Kylie   Jan 19, 2005

Is there anyone worth what you put me through,
or do I have a right to be hurt,
since I did this to you?
You were my life, my hope, my all.
What made you so different?
How could I let myself fall?
When we danced in the rain,
my whole world felt right.
Why can’t we rewind,
and just go back to that night?
My heart is now in pieces,
just lying on the floor.
But what would be the point
in putting it together anymore?
So, I will wait for you,
just like I always do,
to make my world whole again...
Because no matter what we do,
we both know the truth.
We were meant to be more than just friends...


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  • 20 years ago

    by brandy

    okay this is like the 5th time i've tried to comment, it would't post it cuz i had an innappropriate word, but innyhoo, it it's about you and dorkweed, then hahaha, even i know y'all aren't meant for each other, y'all both treated each other like crap, like trevor said no more sugar-coating it

  • 20 years ago

    by kevin

    i know how you feel that was a great poem a lot of feelings went in to that one and i admire you for that!!! its hard to right about the past but when you do it you feel better!!! please read and comment on my poem!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Tiffany

    omg. cute cute cute poem. sad cute but yea. lol. when i read this i thought of a song! u should turn it into a song. it sounds kinda pop/punk and thats awsome. being in a band is awsome. yeah but anyways. great poem dear.