Comments : My last goodbye (literally)

  • 20 years ago

    by ღShannaღ

    You're wrong.People will listen.And though im a total stranger ILL listen to you.I used to be the same way..and trust me,dieng wont help anything.It will just hurt other people more.I know this,i have the scars to prove it.Hang in there,and if you ever need someone to talk to , comment me back and you can have my sn..

    though im a perfect stranger...dont do anything stupid.

  • 20 years ago

    by Armed-Alcoholic

    I'm sorry, please don't leave, I'm sure lots of people love you. Please, don't leave. I'm always here to listen to all your troubles, all your problems, I'll help the best I could.. Please don't leave.... Take care please.

  • 20 years ago

    by Still x Here

    Alyssa you know I am always here for you! Please get Msn Messenger, I would love to talk to you! I have everything bottled up inside too.. everyone hates me... please don't do anything you will regret!


  • 20 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    hine sight is 20/20. You shouldn't do it, trust doesn't make you feel better, trust me i know. Poetry is helping me abit. I have many scars to prove that hurting yourself physically only seems to make things worse, i used to be a sadocist <still am>.

    I know my words my fall on deaf ears, but you shouldn't commit suicide, tomorrow is always another day. Besides, i got you on my friends list, if you want to talk to me, you can Send me a Pm or Email me,

    Suicide is not the answer, just the quick way out.

  • 20 years ago

    by jescelle

    hey babes, how r u? i hope your ok, i will be you friend, seriously, i mean, i dont know if your still alive or not but i want to help you, DEATH IS NOT THE ANWSER, trust me hun, even in death their is life, so you will never truly escape anything, just try to make the best of what you have, and if you cant, ill always be here....
    love you babe

  • 20 years ago

    by *tegan

    dont do it...really dont..there are plenty of people willing to listen and to be your friend..and im another one of them... you ever want to talk...
    love tegan