YOU ASKED so i told

by FrAnCeScA   Jan 21, 2005

I don't deserve anything,
only to bleed myself dry.
I screw everything up,
And wonder why it is i cry.
I screwed things up with HIM
then put him on hold.
I was supposed to be with this guy,
Even when i was Grey and old.
He was soon replaced however,
by someone else whom i love even more.
Granted, both relationships made me happy
but he was the 1st to open up my Sun-shine door.
He made me feel good about myself
And never made me feel sad...
But because we're both SO hard headed,
i love yous usually turn into us being mad.
All i ever wanted, was for you to be happy
and never feel down.
But it seems that all i do is up set you
but yet you still love me, which i think makes our love profound.
Why can't U just see,
that i don't always mean what i say or do
so you shouldn't take things up the ass
just brush it off, and remember that the one i love is YOU.
My love for you,
grows more obvious & stronger by each passing day.
Please stop the fighting and love me once again..
Give it a whirl, what do you say?
i LOVE you Gabriel
always and forever
I'll stand by your side no matter the weather...


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  • 19 years ago

    by  tEEo

    Hey this was nice, i liked your carefree style. thanks for commenting on my poems too

  • 20 years ago

    by Jubes

    I hope he knows how you feel :) goodluck n keep it up!