Never loved by the one i loved

by Orion liebowitz   Jan 21, 2005

I hate this life
I just want to f#$%ing die
shot myself in the head
And watch my soul fly

The only thing i loved in this world
Never loved me
And now that i think about it
I was blind i just couldn\'t see

No matter wut i did
Or wut i said
I would still end up
Buried in the ground dead

I should have done better sh!t with my time
Instead of trying to make her mine

I was crazy to think
She would some day love me
And be mine
To hold in my arms all the time

I did everything i could to make her see
My inner beauty
But she said no
Man did i love her so

This poem sucks
I cant think straight
I\'m so full of hate

But then there is love
I will let everyone know who i love
I love Gina Bretolini

She is the girl in my dreams
And i cant take loving her
It pains me SO much
I will love her forever never forget her name
even though it causes me great pain

I have to do something
or i will soon be dead

This is the last poem i will write for a while
until i can get all this shit straightened out
With me and my love
My beautiful dove

Everyone who reads this please respond i need your help plzzzz


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  • 19 years ago

    by Reyna

    hey that's a great poem, am going throught the same thing. i love this boy a whole lot but he don't love me back.

  • 19 years ago

    by Orion liebowitz

    Thank you Jessica
    I know i should move on. I read the 2 poems u posted and i thought they were good. This is the crappyest poem i have written but thank u anyways.

    Keep on writing Orion