Dont leave

by Missunderstood_Angel   Jan 21, 2005

I'm sorry baby i cant stop at all
But if i loose you i think that I will fall
Drake listen to me i cant help what I do
You always say you love me well baby I love you to
The injecting doesn't hurt not even a little bit.
All i do is stay in my room on my bed and sit
I gave my heart to you and i can't get it back
This relationship is not going to end like that.
The needle doesn't hurt when it hits my punctured arm.
But when i hear mom coming it is like and alarm.
So dint leave me for this reason in time.
No matter how much i inject i still want you to be mine!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jessy

    i love this poem shanna well im sitting by you in comp but hey wuts up