God has mercy, so once upon a time, sometime after a famous war,
There was a certain child born, destined to manifest His mercy, therefore
Unto the Lord, she expresses her appreciation, and gratitude
By extending to the simply gifted, this most holy beatitude
Through the words of Jesus, she knows and has come to understand
It is not the dictators who will rule, and inherit the land
She loves to teach the children of God, who will rise above,
And she fills their patient hearts and minds with joy, peace, and love
Blessed be the God of our parents, God of our children, evermore
Shield us against the forces of evil, as You did Lord, in that famous war
O Lord, guide her with the mind of Jesus, fill her with Your fire of love
Show His kindness to the poor, and afflicted, with the Spirit of the Dove
Let the children come to Jesus. Let the children come to Janet Louise
With Jesus in their hearts, the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these