
by sarah lutz   Jan 21, 2005

Daddy you said you love me...
Then why did you do that to me?
Why did you hurt me like you did?
You knew it was a very bad sin
Why did you touch me like you did.
In many ways it hurt me so.
So many things i should have told.
Your voice sent shivers down through me.
And look dint you see?
see the bruises?
See the pain?
All this happened only when you drank.
Every nigh for 3 years.
It cause unforgotten fears.
I will never look at my days the same way.
Because of you.
You did this to me.
You caused me to go into my manic depression.
What the f**k were you thinking?
It was you all these years and didn't know what the hell was wrong with me.
now i do and i hope i never see you again..

-.- sorry this sucks major but I'm all pissed right now.. please comment and vote thanks!


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  • 20 years ago

    by cici89

    how old were you