Keep your head held high

by Victoria   Jan 21, 2005

Sometimes the road your traveling may seem rough and have alot of bumps but you will survive through it all i have trust in you, you've been there for me and I'll be here for you whenever you need someone to talk to just give me a call I'm always home but remember one thing my dear friend DONT ever give up life can do alot of bad things to you but it always turns out good in the end. Remember I love you and always will until again my dear friend keep your head held high and stay strong i love you!

plz comment it'd mean alot to me...thx



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  • 20 years ago

    by Victoria

    lol thank you Semper Fidelis im still comfused what does Stanzas mean? i gotta go ill talk to u later =D


  • 20 years ago

    by Victoria

    Thank you all for commenting on my poems it means alot to me =D Semper Fi what do u mean by Tanzas? lol im comfused haha gotta go ttyl
