You're A Fool

by Ashley   Jan 21, 2005

Drink and drive and your a fool,
Smoke some weed and you’re not cool,
Smoke some cigs and you will die with in 20 years of trying to look fly.
When you are dead because of this take a look in the past and see if it was worth it,
Was it that much of a blast?

When you take your life away day by day,
Think about what you’re losing as you slip away.
You lose a friend here,
A sister there.
Your families gone,
You have no friends.

Look at what your life could’ve been.
If you didn’t throw it all away,
You could’ve had a real family someday.
You will never get to see the look on your child’s face on Christmas day,
You will never be there for her birthday.

You threw that all away with some fun after school one day.
You got high,
Had your hourly cig,
Had a few beers,
And went on your way.

Later that day,
Though you didn’t know,
You died when you went for a ride,
High, drunk, already taking your life.

A little bit later you see a tree,
To drunk to do anything.
You hit the tree at 80 mph,
And little did you know it,
You died,
High, drunk, taking your life with a cig an hour.

Drink and drive and your a fool,
Smoke some weed and you’re not cool,
Smoke some cigs and you will die with in 20 years of trying to look fly.
When you are dead because of this take a look in the past and see if it was worth it,
Was it that much of a blast?

Look back now,
Was it a blast?
Because that was your last moment,
A blast from the past.

Now every birthday you wish you could be there,
But you weren’t even there for the 1st,
Because that was your last night,
And you where dunk, high, and would’ve died anyway,
From your cig an hour.

So now as look back at the past,
Was it worth it?
Was it really that much of a blast?

If you could take it back,
Would you take everything back that you did that night?
That night that you died?
The night that your daughter realized that you where no mother?
The night that your daughter was one?
The night that your daughter swore she wouldn’t cry,
Because you weren’t worth the tears in her eyes?

Do you think she will ever remember you?
I don’t even think she’ll want too.
And guess who was in the car with you?
Her dad.
Do you think she will ever remember him?
Do you think she will want to?

On her 1st birthday,
You got in a car,
Drunk and high, while smoking your cig an hour,
And died.

Do you think she will cry?
Do you even think you are worthy of her tears?
You brought to life her worst real fear!
She lost you before she even really knew you.

But unlike you she is smart and strong.
And she doesn’t care that you died,
Because you made her cry.

Drink and drive and your a fool,
Smoke some weed and you’re not cool,
Smoke some cigs and you will die with in 20 years of trying to look fly.
When you are dead because of this take a look in the past and see if it was worth it,
Was it that much of a blast?

You lost your life,
While you where drunk and high smoking your cig of the hour.
But you lost more then that,
You lost your daughters life.
You will never get to see her again.

Was it worth it?
Was it that much of a blast?
So much of a blast that was your last moment,
And now you are just a face in the past?

Do you wish you could take it all back?
Do you wish you could see her one more time?
Do you wish you could tell her you love her and your sorry?
Well guess what it don’t matter,
Because as a face of the past,
No one cares any more,
But your daughter will never have that much of a blast,
Because she’s a face of the future,
Not the past.

Drink and drive and your a fool,
Smoke some weed and you’re not cool,
Smoke some cigs and you will die with in 20 years of trying to look fly.
When you are dead because of this take a look in the past and see if it was worth it,
Was it that much of a blast?

Are you cool now?
Wasn’t that your goal?
I can tell you one thing,
You’re a fool, and so not cool.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Dorotea©

    yeah that's waht i think too, and good job that was a good poem i liked it!