What if I where black not white?
What if I where lost because I didn’t turn right?
What if I where between a choice that could cost me my life?
What if I saw you die not once but twice?
What if I died trying to do the right but seeing the wrong done before me on my mom?
What if I lied right before I died?
What if you where to live a life that wasn’t yours or mine?
What if you tried to die or even me?
What if suicide was the only was to stay alive?
What if I stay alive when I’m supposed to die?
What if you lied about drinking, doing drugs, and the only way out was suicide?
What if I turned left to move out of the way of the theft?
What if that theft was my own brother, who when he got caught committed suicide, right in front of me and my mother?
What if you lied about trying to die?
What if you wanted to do suicide?
What if I where dry and high?
What if I lied and said I didn’t want to die?
What if I where between a choice that could cost me my life?