
by Tanya, Mom of one.   Jan 22, 2005

Boobs are bought now days, not grown.
Too bad you couldn't have some of your own.

Bleach blond hair, dark brown roots....
As if we couldn't have guessed, when you flashed your "coot".

Tanning bed baked, for this I'm guilty myself,
What is all this fakeness about?
Why cant we be ourselves?

Collagen based lips, Permanent eyeliner,
I really think cover girl, would've looked finer.

Fake nails, Fake name brands,
Anything to get a man.

Fake attitudes, fake life.....
Does anyone really want this for a wife?

Fake tattoos that cause no pain....
I've always heard, "No pain, No gain!"

Fake ID, to get in a bar.....
DUI.....It really got you far!

Pamela Anderson went to far....
If I wanted a Barbie, I'd buy it and the car!

Fake address and a fake name,
All to play the "I'm It!!!" game.

When did life turn so fake?
I think being fake is a huge mistake!!!!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    isnt that the truth were alll guilty of it in more ways then one but i think your poems cute keep up the good work:)

  • 20 years ago

    by Tanya, Mom of one.

    Ode to "PAM"!!!!