I still have those nightmares

by BrisseyLad   Jan 22, 2005

I still have those nightmares
You gave before you left
Causing my mother pain
Threatened her with death

But you went seeking help
And you know you have some problems
And i thought in heart
That you might just solve them

And when I begin to trust you
You start to get on drugs
Your meant to be a father
But to me your just a thug

All i ever wanted
Is something i never had
Someone that is loving
that wants to be my dad

Why can't you be there
In my time of need
When my mum had no money
And nothing for us to feed

I should have died a thousand times
the way you use to drive
I was only just a child
barely the age of five

But you still say that you love us
You never listen to what I've said
How dare you say those words
I wish that you were dead


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  • 19 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Love the rhymes...nun seemed forced...again a gr8 sence of ur pain...if u ever need 2 talk 2 sum1 im only an email away...anyway...wow...u are wonderful...i bet sumday ull b famous 4 ur poetry....5/5!!!
    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • 19 years ago

    by Robert

    The power was there and the flow was good. the message was real clear I think I would have to give you a 5 great job kiddo...

  • 19 years ago

    by Confused Angel

    Again a great poem... im so sorry your dad's like that. I can sort of relate. It had a lot of emotion in it. Great write keep writing, take care

  • 20 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    no how u feel my dad turned to drugs as well he died a little while bak. never really new him. gd poem though keep writing ur one of me faves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Elise

    wow, very powerful...I love it.. I'm sorry about ur dad...But life must go on I guess...Keep up the amazing work ! Take care,