No Refills

by Anthony Q Peek   Jan 22, 2005

To many memories i left behind
old stories
drug crazed glories
the nights strung together
to create never ending days
we rolled the bones for
one hundred hours
smoked our share of that sweet
green flower
our weekly roadtrips to see
her special croaker
and then i got high and
tried to choke her
learned quick lessons in crime to
feed the habit
tryin to find a vein but
stab it
and then the days
cycle complete
sit and watch her
her body rising with every
drawn breath
as i sit here alone
on my torn junkies
i nod off into
drug induced death


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    Oh my.....
    The past is a minefield and you have carefully and effectfully mined it here.....if you don't mind my saying so, your mind is deep and wide and here reflects your soul's intention to continue to rise.....Strive on, traveller!....As you clearly have seen,there is So much more possible than voluntary submission to dying inside a waking dream.......Strive On!

  • 19 years ago

    by Pia Andersson

    There is not much to see on the dark side , there is not enough light realized it , didnt you Again an excellent poem from you in a style that is very much your own Have a beautiful evening , Pia

  • 20 years ago

    by chavii

    words r not enough 2 tell how 1 feel i can relate 2 it (my own cousin who deceased) a very strong poem from heart 2 heart.

    ty 4 ur comment i really aapreaciate it.


  • 20 years ago

    by Elise

    WOW that poem is so sad but just so amzing...its full of emotions and its just
    Take care,

  • 20 years ago

    by miss scooby

    WOW, you wrote this beautifully, although i found this particular peice to be somewhat sad and have this message lingering within each word. However, the flow was amazing as well as the unique style of writing. deserves nothing less then a 5/5
    take care always

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