Comments : Bridge of lies

  • 20 years ago

    by Daniel J

    brief explanation: This poem is another of my experiments. It's about a person who is being led through a surreal world, a world which is "larger than life" where everyone is happy and everything is ideal. Then the person who is relating the story, begins to ask "questions" - though the reader is not aware what these questions are, the answer has an effect on the road which they travel through this world. The last question receives no answer, everything turns dark and grey, and the real landscape is revealed. "The sun shines no more" - from there onwards, there is no punctuation, "confusion reigns" - everything in that last stanza can be read more than one way, and the new lines are positioned in such a way as to help make that possible. Everything is one flow. In the poem itself, the reader becomes aware of this dark world leading to the "bridge of lies" - the previous sunny world was a farce, there was no point, no truth, only lies which made everything "always, always alright." The poem ends with the tour guide gone, and the persona running blindly into the fog, and off the bridge into nothingness.