
by yinyang22334455   Jan 22, 2005

Crazy days crazy nights
when your goals out of sight
and the world keeps crashing over you

seven days a week
you've got to crash your feet
before you completely lose the beat

crazy days crazy nights
you keep getting in fights
and no one wants to be with you

seven days a week
when your world looks bleak
and no one canm get through to you


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  • 20 years ago

    by yinyang22334455

    *update* i knew poo on a stick wen i wuz a baby, i didnt knnow that until know tho... but anywho this whole thing is ridiculus!

  • 20 years ago

    by yinyang22334455

    um.... actually guys, ashandflame knew me in 2nd grade and wuz kinda my "#1 fan" then, but theres enuff me 2 go around and im sure that no1 really cares anymore. so i hope alls good.

  • 20 years ago

    by Noelle k.

    thats awesome, i love your stuff.

  • 20 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    that is exceptional, short but amazing! i like how you tied in the time, the world, the pain, and the people around you!
    VERY GOOD! 5/5
    keep writing!