A Mystery Guy

by rachel crawford   Jan 23, 2005

To this mystery guy u know who u r
U don't live very far
I like u a lot and so does my friend
But I'm not going to let our friendship end
We both really like u
But I think u know what to do
I know for a fact she really does care
I don't think its unfair
But i wanna tell u how i feel
My feelings are so real


I have always had a place for u in my heart
No matter what u did wrong, or who was your new girlfriend
I was always there
U really mean a lot to me and her
and your r my friend and i care a lot for u
But I know u really like her a lot
and r going to ask her out probably
But i will never stop caring for u
I have so many feelings for u mystery guy
And i want to tell u everything from beginning to end
How it all started ,
from the first day i met u i thought to myself "o man he is so fine"
and that is all i could think about for a long time
A few months pass and i found out that u r in love with my best friend
I was thinking that was going to hate her, but i just couldn't after all we have been through
I just couldn't do it.
So hey I would rather have the guy i have liked for a long time i guess go out with my best friend than to have to lose her.
so go get her boy


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  • 20 years ago

    by Billi Vermillion

    i LOve u RACHEl

  • 20 years ago

    by Billi Vermillion

    Ok Rachel do not listen to her i still love u ok and u knwo what im not crying ok well yeah

  • 20 years ago

    by rachel crawford

    hey billi i haved liked him for awhile to

  • 20 years ago

    by Billi Vermillion

    Hey Rach i know who this mystery guy is and ive known hin for a very long time and he does not love me ok thats the other one yes i like him alot and u knew that since me and him went out a while ago but since i like him u all of a usdden do to i don't get it but im going love u