You Wonder

by Phoenixgoddess   Jan 23, 2005

You look up to the sky and what do you see,
Past the sky to heaven,everything's a mystery.
You wonder what it's like and if it really is better than here,
You know that up there, many people will care.
The people here gives you pain and lies,
The more you want heaven,because people will never see you in their hatred eyes.

You look back up to the sky,
And wonder when it's your time to die.
Living a life, no greater than hell,
Succeeding in happiness, has far passed failed.
You wonder if heaven has much to eat,
Because your always hungry, you never feed.

You wonder if heaven ever gets dark,
Because your use to the dark,it's always where you larked.
You always say anyplace is better than here, but there's only one place that makes you happy,
You can already see your angelic wings flapping.
Thinking how everyone pushed and hurt you,
In heaven you know everyone's kindness is true.

You want to get away from the pain and from the blade,
Wondering when God will let you fade away.
You wonder if God already has a place empty for a new angel,
You wonder if your even able.
Able for a spot in heaven before you die from old age,
You take your chances, and to heaven you fade.


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