Mask of Lies

by shenoa   Jan 23, 2005

Every time i look into the mirror
i stare into hallow eyes
a mask of who i am
made up of careful lies

you would never know
of the pain i choose to hide
I'm so perfect at this act
you only know my one side

i laugh and smile
as happy as could be
i play this role
for the world to see

but when I'm home
alone at last
i strip my face
of my perfect mask

as the water washes over
the make-up i applied
my world washes away
to reveal i have lied

my face may not be mutilated
by many scars and nicks
but if you look close enough
you'll see reality and fantasy mix

my skin is smooth
and soft to the touch
but thats not what reveals
that my body has had enough

but if you look close
you may actually see
the skin peel away
to reveal the true me

its not my lips
that glisten in the light
or my small nose
thats proportioned just right

but if you look close
they all melt away
to reveal the face
i cover each day

its not my hair
and how it flows
or any part of my body
from my fingers, to my toes

but if you look close
each part is fake
for if you touched them
they would Shirley break

the only true part of me
are those sad, hallow eyes
that can never seem to hide the pain
no matter how hard i try

the work i put into this life
washes so quickly away
and sinks slowly down the drain
to be re-applied the very next day

when i wake up the next morning
i only wish to die
but re-apply that heavy mask
made up of so many lies

i go throughout the day
faking all of who i am
then returning that very night
to erase it as fast as i can

i wonder why i bother
who cares what they all think
but i honestly know i do
as i watch my life, drain down the sink.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    I love this poem.I can relate to it.amazing job.Keep writin


  • 19 years ago

    by undying blusher

    I most definitely relate to this, and you did a spectacular job with it. Nicely detailed and lovely flow...just amazing work with this poem. I love it. It holds so much truth.


  • 20 years ago

    by Jess

    wow a great poem i can kinda relate to. i have written quite a lot of poems with simalar themes to you. please read them and comment if u have time!
    keep up the great work.