Shallow graves

by paperdoll   Jan 23, 2005

My scars are lonely,
fading in the flat terrain of no man’s land:
a sparse unholy
desert of the body,
where the wounded collect their dead, and search
for the scattered violent treasures,
the dusty sticks of mortal glory
in the arms of empty strangers

in the spaces
between thought and need,
in the expanses
between breath and relief
lie these barren minefields,
the branded land
that bleeds beneath the slaughter

soldier, do not worry
or falter as the pain is dulled:
the red seas shall not recede beyond the rising of the sun,
and when the bodies become the shallow graves,
the scratches upon the battlefield,
your friends shall play the war again
and my scars will not be lonely.


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  • 19 years ago

    by broken angel

    I really liked this. Good Job, my favorite part was the last line, it no kidding, sent chills up my spine. I liked it a lot, and I am definitely intrigued to read more of yours!
    You rock!

    Luv always, KT

  • 20 years ago

    by Incognito

    You've done an excellent job with this poem, it is really good, keep writing you are amazing,
    - Incognito

  • 20 years ago

    by Krete

    You never cease to fail me.

    Paperdoll, you rock.

    This one left me lifted.


  • 20 years ago

    by John Holley

    wow. i started a post in discusion about peoples favorite poets on this site. somebody said u so i thought i'd check u out. and i can see why they like you. great one. check out "where were you". it's one of my favs. maybe i can be one of yo favorite poets.

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebekah

    WoW that was a real good poem keep it up!!!!Loved it.