Forgive me Father (im sorry if this affends you)

by shenoa   Jan 23, 2005

This is just what i belive, so if you are affended, im sorry. im just writing how i feel down. but i would like to read your comments both negitive and positive. id like to know what you think. thank you...

Forgive me father
for i have sinned
i sit here to reveal
all the secrets within

i know i doubt you
i honestly don't even know if your there
but i go throughout this life
believing no one cares

that's a sin, isn't it?
to doubt the mighty lord?
But i can't help but doubt
when little love more me you can afford

Forgive me father
for i have lied
i go through life
wishing to die

i take for-granted
this life you give
maybe it wasn't for me
this life i live

maybe you made a mistake
you mixed my ingredients all wrong
that's what your myth is right?
that been preached for so long?

You created each of us
each our own, special way
some unhealthy and dieing
while others are all OK

i can't help but wonder lord
who do you confess to?
i mean, if your truly there,
if all the myths are true...

who was your maker?
who is your lord?
who do you worship?
who do you adore?

Forgive me father
For i have sinned
i have question your existence
yet again

But i cant help but wonder
your against gays right?
i thought you wanted us to be happy
but allow this world of hate to ignite?

Don't get me wrong
I'm not gay by any means
but I'm proud of anyone
who wants to be openly seen

more power to them,
and fu ck whoever gets in their way
because its a free world
and know, they are going to stay

and let me ask you god
when you made Adam and eve
marriage wasn't even created
and they wore nothing but leaves

so how is pre-marital sex evil?
when Adam was having sex with himself?
i mean, Eve was apart of him,
and they, apart of yourself...

if so, our whole existence is fu cked up
we're all apart of each other
in this world of so many people
my future husband is my brother?

so in this black book, and bloody pool
i have found ten ways to live a lie
and go through my entire life
wondering so many whys

Basically what I'm saying...
is your entire existence is sh it.
and if i go to hell, for this confession
i know i truly deserve all of it.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Brianna

    Wow,this is an amazing poem, and it truly shows how you feel, which is very unique. Great Job. It realy made me think.

  • 17 years ago

    by sweet escape

    100% agree with you there.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kenny

    Woah! this poem is really unique, honestly, im not offended by the way though i believe in God, coz u have ur own way of lyf and beliefs, after all, who cares. . . just great. . . in some ways you expressed your thoughts, at least your brave enough, and if God knows this, he won't be mad I tell you, he'll just tell you something. . . by the way, some wrong doings aren't be coz of God, its humans mistakes


  • 17 years ago

    by musiqlover015

    I'm a Christian and I didn't really get offended because I realized that the first six satnzas remind me of the times that I've doubted my faith... I didn't get offended by the rest because I realize what you're saying is true in a way... alot of people like to say things and follow religious dogmas set my "leaders" who don't abide themselves... I also realize how hard it is to believe in something that is not only hard to understand, but jhard to learn about... everyone sits down with their own separate beliefs.... I like your poem nonetheless, it was quite thought-provoking

  • 17 years ago

    by Becca

    Wow. That was powerful. I mean, I'm a christian but I wasn't offended. You feel like this and that's alright, I just hope God truly does find his way back into your life.

    Good luck, God bless