What is love

by WhiSperNcUrsIVe   Jan 23, 2005

We think we know what love is
But do we really know?
I think I know and I think I feel it for you
Because it's with you I want to grow

You mean the world to me
I worry when I don't see or hear from you
Because you light my life with joy
With a light that gets me through

You are my life my spirit my soul and my guide
You've made my bad thoughts disappear
You made the light come back
And made the heavens reappear

I close my eyes and dream of you
And my tears hid away
Because I know when I'm with you
Nothing bad comes our way

But the last few months
We've went through a lot
Because your moving away
But remember in my mind you wont be forgot

So do we really know what love is?
And will it get us through
No one really knows what it is
But I know I'm in love with you!

Brandy 2005 ©


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  • 20 years ago

    by WhiSperNcUrsIVe


  • This one was more emotional than the others. I liked the flow of the poem. Good job.

  • 20 years ago

    by WhiSperNcUrsIVe

    Thanks you guy that means the world to me!

  • 20 years ago

    by ** JeNa **

    another great poem, u truly have a gift, keep writtin, hope to read more of ur work soon, fell free to rate and comment some of my poems.

  • That was very cute, I loved it! 5/5.

    This part was the best:

    You are my life my spirit my soul and my guide
    You've made my bad thoughts disappear
    You made the light come back
    And made the heavens reappear

    The whole poem was awesome, I cant wait to read some more! ^_^