Having a BFF is Hard *c0mment*

by Tiffy   Jan 23, 2005

Having a best friend makes things complicated. i mean, when you create a bond so special between the two of you, it is really hard to stay happy. it is like, when they can not hang out with you and you have nothing to do, you feel miserable. or when they do not call when they say they will, it feels like they do not care. when they like a boy so much, he is all she talks about and focusing her time and attention on, it feels like you will lose your friendship over a guy. when she meets new friends, and forgets all about you and spends all her free time with them. she ignores you and makes you feel like sh--, and no matter how hard you try, she does not care and will not listen to how you feel, she will not accept it. then one day, she asks you who you do not like her friends. you want to say," i do not like them because they took you away from me", but you can not because she does not understand. when you tried to tell her how you felt, she called you a bi---, and that is when you knew she had changed. you sat in your room and cried. cried your damn heart out until you felt like you could not breathe. you want her to back to you. you can not help but think about when she said she loved you like her sister. when she said you were her best friend. when she said she would not be alive if it were not for you. when she stopped you from killing yourself. when she made you smile just by seeing her face in the hall. the late nights you laughed for hours. the heart to hearts you had on the phone. the hugs that fought out the pain inside your fragile heart. they are all gone now, and there is nothing you can do to get them back. deep inside you know if things seem okay, they will never be the same. never...


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  • 20 years ago

    by riley

    omg i totally relate to this. its hard losing the closest person to you and they have no idea.