Face To Face With Suicide

by Hannah   Jan 24, 2005

He never spoke a word
Even through all the Hurtful
Things He heard
He was picked on all day long
Through all he heard
He was so strong
He felt as though he didn't belong

His eyes to big
His face to small
He was so Ugly
He heard it all

He let it slide year by year
His mom noticed at night
He started to disappear
He'd hide in his room
And lock the door
Every knock he would ignore

He'd come out the next day
With blood flowing from his wrists
He feels like no one cares that he Even exists

He continued to go to school
The kids started to get more Cruel

He'd go home with a big black eye
He'd run to his room and
Try not to cry

No friend arround
No one cared
His life started to fade
He began to get scared

Instead of hurting on and on
He decided to end his life
So the pain would finally be gone

Today on the News
We heard he was dead
That was the news his parents
Had dread

He's no longer hurting
He's not all alone
He finally got his wish
He's very well known

**Yeah I know I suck at writing poems*


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  • 20 years ago

    by Drugs && Hugs

    ... Its really good i loved it.... I like poems that are more like storys.... 5/5.... keep up the good work