All out of tears

by chelsea   Jan 24, 2005

I used to see my tears but now i don't
i used to cry to others but i just wont
my pain has gotten worse with every breath i can feel it every day in my chest....
my heart is broken so gone and away i don't even see how I'm still making with each day
i bleed the pain to make it stain my pale arm i yearn for help but no one See's this harm
i wish i could breath, i wish i could smile but after a while its just all fake.
i hate myself and I've run out of tears, I've run out of hope i having nothing left to help me cope... HELP:(


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  • 20 years ago

    by jess

    i diagree with the statment above things sometimes get better but it takes a whilet o get over things i'm here to chat if you need me check my poems out here for u always jessxxxxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    Girl just calm down itll all be okay:) things are crummy right now but just beleave in that everythings going to get better and look forward to that break and youll be aight:)