Your guardian angel tried

by Concealing Words   Jan 24, 2005

Your guardian angel
By your side in all that you do
But he has seen too much
For even him to go through

His wings are thin and torn
Almost impossible to fly
From the times he did his best
To keep your spirit high

His hands are rough and bruised
Hard to help you fight
From the times you wanted to prove a point
Even when you were not always right

His wrists are cut and scarred
But still tries to carry you along
His markings are the same as yours
When you thought you couldn’t go on

His feet are sore and weary
Can no longer walk by your side
From all those times you needed a friend
So your emotions you didn’t have to hide

His heart is incomplete
No more love to give
From the times he had to show you
There are reasons to live

His body broken and weak
Can no longer stand up tall
He was always right there with you
When you would give in and take your fall

Everyday he tried
To protect you from pain
Every emotion and hurt you felt
He would feel the same

But you lived on selfishly
Taking advantage of your guardian
Always thought you were alone
And wore his soul too thin

Your angel still watches you
But now he can only hold his breath
He cries his silent tears
No longer able to protect you from death


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tammi

    Wow this is amazing love it and so so deep and makes me look deep in my life 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    An awesome piece, Jen! Keep it up! :)

  • 20 years ago

    by stephalee

    that is soo good you have an AMAZING talent keep writing
    ~ROCK ON~

  • 20 years ago

    by Missunderstood_Angel

    hey i love this poem its awsome!@! well hey check me out love always shanna irene.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    Awesome poem! 5!
