Comments : To Where They Lead

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin

    Yo, another old one...a bit longer than most of my classic 3 stanza beats....i'd love some feedback as i originally wasn't going to include this with my others...

  • 20 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    "save that is calls to mind
    your frantic face" that seems really awkward. Was there supposed to be punctuation, such as:
    "save, that is, calls to mind
    your frantic face"
    meh, but actually, I just don't understand the meaning of those lines, so I'm having trouble fixing it for you. Actually (sorry, I'm too lazy to delete the parts of my comment that not longer apply), I think that it should read
    "save that it calls to mind
    your frantic face" yeah I think the 'is' should be an 'it'

    "if to feel life's pulse
    emotionally mending"
    I feel like the "if" is out of place, and creates a thought that doesn't finish.

    I liked this poem. I was trying to figure out if the friend committed suicide, or if his life ending is metaphorical/symbolic (like dead as in he sees nothing in life), or if he died because of something he did. i kind of like the metaphorical one best.