
by Heather M Craig   Jan 24, 2005

Come to me,
share your life.
Lean on my shoulder
each time you cry.
Share your story,
vent your trouble.
Count on me
to pop that bubble.
Let go of thoughts,
let dreams be told,
trust in me,
your secrets, I'll hold.
Speak your sorrow,
to me, your friend,
In your pain,
my love, to you, I'll send.
For inside, what I behold,
I'll let it burn,
let me hold you
and I'll patiently wait my turn.

~!Heather Craig!~

unfortunatley this is my defenition of MOST friends.


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  • 20 years ago

    by R F

    i like this poem so much,n sent it to my best friend too,coz i belive that friends should say these things to each other,

    n it would be so much great if all people on earth think like this.

    God bless you...

  • 20 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    hey another really awesome poem i really like this one, it's wht i think friends should b like it's just hard finding them!

    ~lil slam~ take care

  • 20 years ago

    by christina

    hey great poem loved it :D

  • 20 years ago

    by SweetDreamer

    Great poem! very well written, and so true. I think that should be everyones definition of a friend, nice work. if u have time, vote or comment on some of mine, thx!

  • 20 years ago

    by Mustardhart

    What can I say?.... Wonderful thoughts flowing from the heart, it is a good thing!!