I Love you daddy

by Iyla   Jan 25, 2005

Sometimes he makes me
feel like he doesn't even
love me like he never wanted
me as his daughter he makes
me feel like i was just a
mistake in his life and he never
wanted me, and to tell you the
truth i wish i would die, i cant
take his yelling or his screams
when he wont even let me
explain he wont give me a
chance to say anything, what's
the point in living if he doesn't even care about me, i know it's
true, i know he doesn't love
me, I've known since i was
thirteen I've known all my life
and here I'm standing with his
knife, getting ready to say my
final goodbye, especially to him
a day after my funeral he found
my note, on my desk and these
are the words i wrote, I love you
daddy and even though you don't
i just wanted to tell you this so
you would know i love you daddy
even more then my death can show


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  • 20 years ago

    by Mimi112

    very good poem i liked it a lot ( yet it's really sad too )

  • 20 years ago

    by *rêve_cassé*

    awwwwwww ryan that is so sad im really sorry!