Your Gone!

by Amanda Conaway   Jan 25, 2005

Yesterday you made a huge mistake,
your gonna regret it,
i know you are,
but let me fill you in on something,
I'm not going to get back with you,
your chances are up!
there all gone,
have you noticed,
that everytime we broke up,
was because of you and another girl,
all you said was nothing but lies,
while i was being faithful and true,
you was foolin around with other girls,
i know more than you think i do,
i even gave my everything to you!
i know about you and Karley,
i know about you and Mandy,
Well, I'm completely through with you!
Your lies, your temper,
your kiss, your touch,
everything about you,
is gone.
I don't see how, you can face me.
When you did the things you did,
ad say the things you said.
And to top if all off, you say that you love me.
Remember, Once a player, Always a player!


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