Begin again

by Casey   Jan 25, 2005

Two lovers
Standing against the wall
Wrapped in each other's arms
holding on for dear life.

Someone whispers "I love you"
That person
Slips their hands around your waist
they nuzzle your neck.

Oh god, how long ago was that?
Too long ago,
But it still feels like today,
You'd forgotten till today.

Over a year
and now it's reenacted
right before your eyes, its real
your stomach ties in knots.

You wonder
"Did we look that in love?
Were we that in love?"
And then you have to push the thought away

You can't-
It stays with you
All day and into the night
Keeping you up..

You have to let go,
But it won't go away.
The lovers-
Or was it you with him?

You can't keep your thoughts straight.
Be strong
Don't let it get to you,
You've worked too hard

You keep going back
To the warmth of his lips
To the strength of his grip
And you have to begin again.


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