Thank you for ruining my life

by SammiBABY   Jan 25, 2005

Fantastic opportunity offered,
That I really wanted to take,
But I guess feeling hope in this life,
is a big mistake.
You obviously don’t want me happy,
because when I am you give me s**t.
When I finally get what I want
you make me get rid of it.
Do you know this would have saved me?
But surprise, surprise I want to die.
If for one second you’d just listen,
Maybe I wouldn’t have to cry.
This is why I ran away that day,
Why I fled from this destructive address,
If I had of stayed here I would have died
because you turn my pleasure into a mess.
Why can’t you just let me win?
You must hate me, if you’re doing this,
I feel like total crap,
when a second ago I felt bliss.
Why do you think I tell you nothing?
Because you give me s**t about everything I do,
I think about why I had anxiety and depression
and it all comes down to you.
You’re the one that tries to control my life,
You controlled it all to depression,
And even though you knew jack s**t,
you always wanted to teach me a lesson.
You don’t know what you’re doing,
your holding me back from my destiny,
When I’ve just regained my hopes
from the crap you’ve done to me.
You don’t notice that my brother abuses me
you don’t notice the scars on my arm,
You didn’t notice when 4 packs of tablets went missing
when I used them for my harm.
You don’t notice that I chuck up everything I eat,
And that my clothes no longer fit,
You didn’t notice that I took all my sleeping pills
and you probably don’t give a s**t.
I told you that my brother pushed me into a pole
and I spent 2 periods in the sickbay,
You knew he stole my English story,
but of course he got away.
I want to get out of this house,
Because I fear that I’ll soon die,
you don’t even have the respect to listen
and you yell at me when I cry.
You yell at me if I say “ass”,
But of course my younger brother can swear,
Because he can do what he likes
and I’m left treated unfair.
So much noise, you never stop yelling;
“Do the dishes, take out the bin,
Get off the bloody internet”
How the hell am I meant to win?
You yell at me in public,
unlike what normal people would do
And although everyone at dancing does many classes
you yell that I want to do two.
Why when I gain some hope,
does it have to be crushed like a can?,
There’s absolutely no wonder
why I have a suicide plan.
You drown me in pain
and strangle me with strife
So I’d like to say:
Thanks for recking my life.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Lithium

    oh sammi no i luv u baby i know lifes unfair i totally understand i hope u know whenever u feel like this or just wanna get away u can call me and come over whenever u like no matter what itme it is i'm always here 4 u night or day i dont care i luv u so much gorguz dont ever let go