Lost Girl

by i love you   Jan 25, 2005

I'm going to tell you a story,
about a lost and confused girl,
whose best friend was a razor,
and also her world.

She hurt everyday,
had not one real friend,
she felt she needed to give up,
make her worthless life end.

So she took out the bottle,
one by one she took,
just about 60 pills,
while her life she overlooked.

Then she took out her best friend,
and slowly sliced up her veins,
completing her unfinished story,
of a girl who was in too much pain.

She then forgot to do something,
to write her unloving family a note,
so she took out a pen and paper,
and half in blood she wrote.

"I'm sorry I had to go,
but no one gave enough love,
I couldn't take it anymore,
so I'll be watching from above.

"I just felt out of place,
knew you all didn't care,
so I didn't see a point in staying,
not any point to stay there.

"Don't worry I don't want a funeral,
you know it wouldn't make sense,
I'm not that important,
so throw me over the back fence.

"Although you never loved me,
I always have loved you,
I just didn't want it anymore,
and you know this all is true.

"Again I am very sorry,
give all my stuff away,
don't leave any memories,
but in my heart you'll stay."

She wanted to write more,
but she felt so very weak,
she couldn't keep her self up,
she couldn't even speak.

Her eyes began to get heavy,
and she fell to the floor,
she knew she wouldn't make it,
she wouldn't live anymore.

She knew it was the end,
so she said her last goodbye,
there she layed on her bedroom floor,
as she slowly closed her eyes.

Her parents had found her,
about an hour later,
they saw the letter and read it,
couldn't believe she thought they hate her.

They both fell to the floor,
and burst into tears,
the girl began to realize,
they really did care.

But she didn't understand,
now all of a sudden they cared,
after she had supported herself,
for so many years.

They still had a funeral,
didn't throw her in the yard like she wanted,
there was so many people there,
over 100 she counted.

She then felt bad,
wanting to take back what she had done,
But she knew she couldn't,
for her new life had begun.

~This poem is just one I wrote...my feelings are true but I'm not dead yet...and im not going to kill myself...theyre just feelings......please vote and comment...Me would appreciate it:D~

©lisha 2005


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  • 20 years ago

    by yup

    Excellent poem. Written so well. I could feel the emotions in it. Defiantly a 5! Take care,


  • 20 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    This was excellent, definitely a 5 from me. Thanks for the comment. Take care & keep writing! =)

    God bless you! <3

  • 20 years ago

    by ANNE

    Excellent poem! You really make a point to why people shouldn't kill themselves...

  • 20 years ago

    by crystal

    by the way...it is a good poem but don't let yourself be the girl ur talking about! p-p-p-p-pwwweeeeeeaaaassssseee! I wuv you kiwi! never forget that! <3 <3 <3 <3

  • 20 years ago

    by crystal

    oh honey don't do it!!!! I would cry forever and i mean that because I really do care. I'm always here for you. Call me! Even if I'm grounded, just think of all the good times we have had over the years that you have lived here. we have had a lot of fun and there is so much more to come. I love you ayna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Does that show you that someone cares? ME! Love always your best friend!!!!! Crystal