A lonely valentine

by ♥broken fairytales♥   Jan 25, 2005

This is year will be just like another
Nothing ever special goes on
My best friends around me
have someone they love
Someone they're going to
spend this day with
But not me
I'm never that lucky
Yea I have my fair share of guys
But they never last long enough
I've never found someone
who I feel right with
I've never found someone
who likes me for me
I get told enough that I'm pretty
But why can't guys see past that
And see i'm not just a pretty face
But no
This year will be just like another
This year will be another
lonely Valetine
© Copyright *Daddys Princess* 2005


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  • 20 years ago

    by ?

    Aw nice poem, sad.. but really good, try think positive, if guys think your pretty theres more chance of the one your looking for being attracted to you, anywayz take care now xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by *BeAuTiFuLlY*iNaDeQuEtE*

    stay strong, us single girlys will stick together

  • 20 years ago

    by *BeAuTiFuLlY*iNaDeQuEtE*

    stay strong, us single girlys will stick together

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