Til Death Do Us Part

by WhiSperNcUrsIVe   Jan 25, 2005

You tell me not to worry
And that you will be back
But how can I not worry?
My heart just fades to black

I am scared that we will grow apart
And that I won't have you anymore
And that you won't show up
With that ring at my door

How can I not worry
You are the love of my life
And I want to grow old with you
And one day be your wife

I'm not worried you'd cheat
That's the furthest from my mind
Because I know that you won't
I am just scared that you won't be mine

But I just want to tell you something
There's something on my mind
I'll love you until my dying day
And forever will our hearts be intertwined

Because no matter what you do
You can't change my mind
Because if you look into my heart you can see
Even if you were blind

You are the love of my life
I will love you forever
Thats how it was meant to be
So stay with me baby, let's be together

So baby, I will worry no matter what
Because you are miles from my heart
So baby, don't ever leave me
Love me "til death do us part"

Brandy 2005©


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  • 20 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    Sounds like these words could be good lyrics for a song...
    over all, a good poem, though you could've shortened some lines down... just my humble opinion :-) keep writing

  • 20 years ago

    by WhiSperNcUrsIVe

    alright thanks...i will read more of your poems!

  • It was like you picked an incident from my own past. Its a good poem. I could realte to it. Great work!

    Thanks for the comment. I have no problem if use that poem. And Happy anniversary.

    I have a Sizzling poem for Anniversary. Its called "happy Anniversary". But, It may not be the perfect fit.