32 Things Girls should Know about guys

by kathy   Jan 26, 2005

32 Things Girls Should Know about Guys

1. Even though guys do not always plan things, they still like to know ahead of time if you are planning on paying them a visit, never know what they could be doing.

2. Whether or not guys are known for cheating, does not mean that you can do it too.

3. Just like we women have powerful men, men have pretty strong women to kick any girls butt that hurts their guy friend

4. Even if it may sound conceited, let them know you think they look good, (they need SOME help with self esteem)

5. No matter how many times you two kiss, you do not ALWAYS have to do it out in the open.

6. Guys DO actually get hurt when some girls hit them, so only do so if ABSOLUTELY necessary

7. As you know, most guys are curious, but do not always let them wander around your body.

8. Believe it or not, guys can acutally be sensetive, so do not always critisize so harshly

9. Even when they do deserve it, do not make an audience of it

10. Do not let on that you have your own dirty thoughts, it might give the idea that that is all you ever think about.

11. Guys do not always eat like pigs, some actually are careful about how they eat around girls

12. Offer to pay once in a while, whether its half or full, men are not made of money you know, even if they try.

13. If they DO offer to pay, let them, makes them feel manly (cough cough)

14. In any relationship, serious or not, guys do like presents, so 3 things could be accounted for, their favorite cologn, a jersey of their favorite team, even candy

15. Always let them know you are home safe if they did not get to drop you off, they worry a LOT about you, plus if they do not hear anything, they will go spaztic and do something outrageous

16. If you see a girl trying to make the moves on him, you have the right to yell at her, let him know that you DO care

17. When you talk to a guy friend, make it clear that your boy is the only guy on your mind

18. Guys ca not always control their emotions, so if they are in a buddy buddy mood, do not try to act manly with him, he might end up brusing you badly

19. Try to be strong and go see a scary movie with him, or a dumb one, they tolerate our girly stuff, why not their machoness?

20. Guys can be sentimental about their pets, and their family, so do your best to be a lady and respectful, but still be yourself.

21. Do not EVER EVER EVER flirt with their brothers, that is a warning for disaster, guys get jealous easily at times

22. Guys have what we call UMS (ugly mood swings) so just stay out of their way when you feel an odd wave of emotion with them

23. If you are unsure about how they drive, you drive

24. When introducing him to friends, announce that he is your boyfriend, and just leave it at that

25. Do not make him make the decisions about the dates, you really want to just be with them, so suggest places sometimes

26. Always offer him a massage after big events, he may not try and show it hurts, but you always know it does

27. With nicknames, it is best to keep your nicknames to yourselves, guys get really self concious about nicknames given to them, for they could be used against him

28. Even if he may not act like he cares, he really appreciates it when you remember his birthday

29. For birthdays and christmas, they may never say what they want, but keep a tab on something that they mention often, it is usually a HUGE hint that is what they want

30. As much as he may say that he likes the way you smell, do not bathe in your perfume

31. Do not always plan ahead for the future, live in the present, it kind of freaks him out if you are already deciding what to name your children

32. And finally, you are more than just a girlfriend to him, at least, if your cards are played right, you are his best friend, and he trusts you more than anyone else, even more so then his guy friends, because he feels you understand more. If this does happen, DONT LOSE THAT TRUST!!! It will affect everything, and that\'s the last thing you want to do, lose your best friend

after a lot of experience, i figured this would come in handy


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  • 20 years ago

    by lostnloveless15

    that wasnt a poem but i votedd for it anyways

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