
by Robyn Park   Jan 26, 2005

How can you do this
Threaten us at every turn?
Tell us you'll commit suicide
Fore then we'd surely learn.

We'd be better off without you
You say so all the time
Why don't you try to get help
Before you die in your prime?

Heather, I love you
You know that is true
So why do you act like no one cares
About what you've been through?

I know you've been raped,
And beaten throughout your life
But what of your dreams,
Of being the perfect wife?

I know life is hard
Trust me I do
And though its not the same
I've been through stuff too

A lot of the time I pray
For God to let me die
Hell, we've both tried before
But we're still here- alive.

Why do you think that is?
You're very religious, you should know
Why do you think God
Hasn't bid you go?

Yeah, I don't know either
But so what? Who cares?
The whole God thing works for you
So keep saying your prayers

I guess I'm just saying
Try to make it through
And if you ever need me
I'll be there for you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    This poem was great. It reminds me of my friends...they are sisters and last year one of them attempted is all so upsetting how people could think of killing themselves when there are many people around to care for them... I hope everything works out alright. xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    man i wish i had a sister who cared that much about me... it jus isnt fair my sister uses my problems to get attention for herself. great poem awesome.

  • 20 years ago

    by Shelby G.

    this poems is really sad... i'm in tears (mainly because this poem with the song fragile equals tears) but me and my sister were never close... and very happy that you and her get along... i've never had that sisterly love. great poem, keep it up.

  • Wow what a sad poem:( But has a really great meaning! Great work my friend..The last lines are really great and show hope! Amazing poem! Keep this up!

  • 20 years ago

    by ** JeNa **

    omg thats was a really really great poem, u really express feelings through ur poetry, and its really great, hope 2 read more of ur work soon