Dear Mom,

by Heather S.   Jan 26, 2005

Dear mom,

I thought I would tell you my time with you has been great. I thought now that I was older I cloud start acting a s if I was a grown up. I thought it would be fun to go and drink at that party. I guess I was not thinking about how I was going to git home. Tell the boy that was in the car with me that "i love him." And I guess now is a good time to tell you we are expecting a baby. It is his, but he does not now yet. Oh please tell him. I was hoping for a little girl I wanted to name her Hazel or Ava. I hope the people in the car we hit are OK. I know there is a woman and her kids. I can hear her asking if their OK. Mom my legs hurt so bad. I think they are crushed under the dash. They are pulling me out of the car now. Their asking me if I'm OK, but I can't git the words out. I see the blood on the pavement beside me. Tell everyone that I love them. They are putting me in the ambulance. Mom please don't cry. I will tell god it was an accident maybe he will give me back. I must go now I just wanted to tell you " I Love You." Please don't forget me . Tell all the little kids in your class that you should never drink and drive.


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  • 20 years ago

    by jennifer

    amazingly beautiful poem.. I had a friend when I was young who got killed by a drunk driver this poem says alot of how a person might feel... 5

  • was 'abalones' meant to be ambulance ... ? good poem ... take care x x x x