These cuts-

by Heather S.   Jan 26, 2005

They are a sign of how much I'm hurting
They tell the stories of my past
This one right here that is gaged
I did with a piece of glass
i did it because you had hurt me that morning
You had been talking to that girl you know you like
And this one right here
That is still bloody
I did id today when I went to the restroom
I did it with my earing
I don't know why I did it
It just felt right
There is one I can not show you
It is on my hip
It's in the shape of a broken heart
I cut it deeper ever time a guy brakes my heart
It is working I don't feel the pain any more
You might ask why I cause so much pain on my self
My answer is "I need help"


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  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    i like your poem i can relate i also cut i dont cut as much as i use to its a hard thing to stop doing but it sounds like you want to stop. my poem ( you found my scars) might help Plz read. and keep witting.

  • 20 years ago

    by Unloved ♥

    I also enjoyed reading this poem and I think that your poems are going to get better and better..just keep writing..this one is really nice..I can relate to it..great job

  • 20 years ago

    by lifelessdays11

    i really liked your poem and i can relate to you.keep it up!

  • 20 years ago

    by lifelessdays11

    i really liked your poem and i can relate to you.