Some dad

by britney   Jan 26, 2005

I ask these 2 questions to my self a lot "How can a dad not even care for their own daughter?" and "who is this man that I have been told to call dad?" because you sure don't act like one! I hardly know anything about you, You never call me or come and see me, only on holidays is when I see you. But that's OK I have other people, unlike you who don't want nothing to do with me. So here is all i got to say to you IF you even care. "I'm doing just fine without you in fact I'm better without you then i an with you!" I'm through fighting and crying, It's all up to you now, I'm done trying.



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  • 20 years ago

    by britney

    I'm glad ya'll like the poem i just started writting poems and this was my first one i have put on here. ya'll have made me feel a whole lot better about my writing because i just stareted writing. but again thanks to all of your comments and rating.