Photos of a forgotten time

by Bitten by frost   Jan 26, 2005

A book of memories lay on my lap
as i flick from page to page,
a loving smile caught in a snap
a moment that lasts an age.

a happier, merrier, simpler time
is captured in this book.
an imprisoned feeling or hidden meaning,
is portrayed for us to look.

loved ones can stay for a lifetime
prolonged within the print.
can keep a face fresh in mind
if the condition\'s mint.

this book stays by my bedside
and shows me with my dad
with tears welled up with such pride
of times we had once had.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Mureen

    Hey, much agreed wtih dozor ^^ up there. it was really good. i cant compare what happened to me with what happened to you.(hurricane/flood) i cant imagine someon ein my family dieing. 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by broken angel

    Very touching. My eyes are welling up with tears. No, I totally serious. I want to see more poems, cause these pull at my heartstrings. I'm in awe 6/5!

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