
by natalie   Jan 27, 2005

I hurt thinking about you
And what you put me through
It hurts, just thinking about it
I gave you all my feelings
And you just threw them away,
Acted like it was nothing
Like i meant not one thing to you
I cry every night wondering what i did wrong
Sitting on the tile floor
Locking the door
Grabbing the blade that gives me relief
Slowly glide it across
And watch all my feelings for you go away
I can feel it
But in my heart your still there
And will always will be
Why wont you leave
Its like you haunt me
I see you everywhere
I'm scared, it hurts
I cant look or think about you
Knowing what i went through
So next time you think of me,
Think of what we couldn't be


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  • 19 years ago

    by James

    I can so relate to this poem... excellent job to good to be a 4.1?

  • 20 years ago

    by Billi Vermillion

    I like this one but idk just keep writing kk

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