Lonely soul

by Ruby   Jan 27, 2005

Surrounded and lonely
I lie on my bed
I can't fall asleep
My heads full of lead

I block them all out
And drown in my sorrow
It'll be gone soon
And be better tomorrow

The sun will come out
And you won't feel alone
The bed where you're lying
Will feel like your own

You won't be confused
You'll know who you are
The thoughts in your mind
They won't seem so far

You tell me all this
While holding my hand
What are you talking about?
I don't understand

Nothing gets better
The sun won't come out
I'll continue to live
With my mind deep in doubt

Or maybe I'll die
What's there left here?
Loneliness as my only friend
And a heart full of fear

Should I stay here
If that's all I've got?
I could end it right now
Should I do it or not?

The crimson blood runs down my arm
And on the blade of the knife
I've finished it all with one last cut
I've ended my lonely life

My soul and spirit, they now fly free
And into the dark of the night
They fly far away from here
Away to the bright white light

But every now and then they come
Make visits to my grave
The humans cry out, "Silly girl!"
But I know i was brave

For I did what no one else could do
And I forgot my pain
For if I'd stayed and lived my life
I would have gone insane

Crazy with the loneliness
Of being who I was
But now I'm just a wondering soul
I made this choice, because,

I couldn't take it anymore
The pain, those nights, my tears
I was wrapped up in a blanket
Of my own lonely fears

And that is why I took the knife
And ended it that night
And I don't care if you disagree
But I think that what I did was right

Cuz I didn't stay and go insane
Lost in all my fear
I let my deep red blood run free
And I shed my last tear.


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  • 20 years ago

    by SuicideQueen

    Very well contructed poem that screamed at you to read on! Very true thought even though people do say suicide is the easy way out, i think it is, but for some reason don't disagree with your poem? very contradictative.
    kt xx

  • 20 years ago

    by killers kiss

    woow very deep puts my problems into perspective, i hope everything is getting better in every aspect,
    even though its such a dark issue you write it with so much grace well done thats is for the poem of course!