Puff of smoke

by jenni   Jan 27, 2005

You were like a puff of smoke
Here and gone in the shut of an eye
What did I do to send you away?
Why did you have to make me cry.

You were like a delicate bubble
One minute here, the next extinct
Why did you disappear so soon
All I did was blinked.

You were like a snowflake
So fragile in the air
But as soon as you touched solidity
You disappeared to someplace somewhere.

You were like an angel
Who I loved with all my heart
But obviously it was not mutual
You believed we were better apart.

So while I commited my soul to you
Asleep in my dreaming state
You left me and never returned
I dreamed of you, my Soul Mate.

* The reason I wrote this poem is because me mate wanted to see if I could make 1 up wit dat title... lol. * * Not bad hey? lol *


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jubes

    Not to shabby at all!
    I like it it cleans up very well! Well done for that if you ask me you succeded very well! nice poem, I was going to say thats great its so original but nice and then i read the bottom! well done :D