
by Biaytbo   Jan 27, 2005

She’s too short
He’s too tall
Her eyebrows are too thick
And his nose is too small
She acts too sad
He looks to weird
Her freckles are too big
And no one likes his beard
Her mouth is filled with metal
He has four eyes instead of two
Her hair is way too dark
And his eyes way too blue
She paints her nails black
He always wears a tie
She’ll never smile
And he’ll never cry
She won’t be noticed
He won’t make the team
Her name will never be in lights
And he will never achieve his dream
Why must we all be judged?
Why is being accepted so tough?
Why do people try so hard?
And why are teenage years so rough?
No one should be judged
No one should hurt from something you say
No one should be excluded
And most of all
No one should be treated this way


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  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Whoa the description at the start was amazing, set the whole scene to a great poem! if that makes sense.

    5/5 David

  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn

    i like totaly agrre with what you are saying with your poem i mean we teens judge ppl by whats on the out side and not the inside nice work too