I want to forget you!!!

by Jo   Jan 27, 2005

It's been nearly 2 years yet my feelings are still strong,
And now I have a boyfriend and these feelings I know are wrong

I know I said I moved on but thats not entirely true,
I love my boyfriend so much but I still have feelings for you

I want so much to be with him right until the end,
I know my mum and sisters all treat him like a friend

Me and you are over yet I still can't figure out why,
I can't forget everything that happened no matter how hard I try

Please help me through this is anyway you can,
For years before it happened I was your biggest fan

I love my boyfriend so much and you I need to forget,
And if I hurt him like this all I will feel is regret

Although I have these feelings it's not you that i crave,
I want to take these feelings and dig them their own grave

My boyfriend needs a girl, a girl who's always there...
And if these feelings stay to him it would be unfair

I don't want to loose him especially over you,
So now I have decided just what I'm gonna do...

I'm not gonna let you destroy me and we both know you will,
I'm determined to make this work and now I know it will!!!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Hilary

    i give it a FIVE, just like all your others!! your awesome, well thats really good that ur dating that Dr D or actually i dont remember what you call him lol!!...i havent been writing lately bcuz the main focus to my poems were all about Lance and how he broke my heart and i love him and i care BLAH BLAH BLAH....im really trying to forget about him i havent talked to him in like a month he comes over...i shut the door! he calls....i let it ring! he tries talking to me @ school...i walk away. this is pretty weird how I am telilng you all of this i guess i am an open person sorry if tihs freaks you out!....but i am actually going to submit a poe, after i finish ur comment of course! this one is gonna be about my new love interest CHARLIE!...yup so how have you been?...ur poems awesome! seriously... so youve still got feelings for the old boy friend ( i know how you feel, its really hard ) but you will concur ur feelings, and get over him!! its easier than it sounds! but hey i am gonna get outta here good luck with the new bf! -hilary-=

  • 20 years ago

    by K.A.G

    so amazing...good job

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