Nursery rhyme of nightmare

by polly   Jan 27, 2005

Down a dark dark street
In her dark dark room
In a dark dark corner
Stood a dark dark man.

her red red heart
Pumped red red fear
Through red red eyes
Shone his red red intension

In this dark dark nursery rhyme;
His dark dark mind
Undressed her dark dark body
blackening his dark dark soul

This red red girl
Lay-ed red red tears
On her red red carpet
in its red red filth

Down that dark dark street
Was a dark dark nightmare...

Of a red red demon
Loving his red red daughter.

he crept out of her corner
and like paper he tore her
once he had finally won
he left her sore and undone.

she was desperate to shout
but knew noone was about
she knows that in bad dreams
screams are never as loud as they seem

hush my dear
as she sleeps
there is a rhyme
a riddle
a nightmare


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  • 19 years ago

    by †JustAri†

    That was really good, i'll r8 it a 5. pEACE

  • This was pretty good, I liked it.

  • 20 years ago

    by polly

    i have took upon your opinion, and has hense changed that line, so maybe it is more understandable 'with the context'. thanks

  • 20 years ago

    by UM

    The only thing I didn't like about this poem is the last line of this stanza:

    In this dark dark nursery rhyme;
    His dark dark mind
    Undressed her dark dark body
    Making his dark dark soul

    "Making his dark dark soul" doesn't seem to make sense with the context of the rest of the stanza. Other than that it was great. I thought the repitition of dark and red was a very unique idea.

  • 20 years ago

    by CinnamonTwirl

    oh yea, your in my fav's now