Won't Cry Another Tear

by Kalika   Jan 27, 2005

Now your gone,
and I’m left alone.
With the memories,
that no one knows.

I try to tell them,
But no one hears,
The pain I feel,
The burning tears.

No one to cry to,
Haunted by the past.
Can’t believe the pain,
How long will it last?

Tortured by memories,
His face in my head.
No matter how long ago,
Still fills me with dread.

Don’t know where to go,
Surrounded by my lies.
Takes so much effort,
Just to stay alive.

Time is now nearing,
For me to dry the tears.
Let go of the past,
Let go of my fears.

Don’t know what to do now.
Solution isn’t clear.
Going to hold on strong,
Won’t cry another tear.


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  • 17 years ago

    by David

    Hey, This peom is written really well i like the style and how it flows... i also relate so much to it, its kinda scary how when i read your poems how similar my feelings are... i hope u continue to write, but i also hope you will feel happier one day. Thank you for sharing that poem

  • 18 years ago

    by fakesmile

    Awesome poem!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Very expressive peice,, the feelings were very clear. i like the positive feeling towards the end, the idea of hope that comes in, that is very well done.


  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    I like the positive end to this poem. We all can understand that life is hard, and it makes since to write about it, I just like how you had a bit of a light at the end of all the darkness, it takes a strong prospective on life and a talent for writing to make that work out well. Nice poem love.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 19 years ago

    by Lydia O

    Excellent! This was well written and well expressed. You did a great job here in describing the torment left from a lost love.