Ends in suicide

by Drugs && Hugs   Jan 28, 2005

Have you ever watched water run down the drain?
I have... many times.
I always watch it and look as far down as I can see.
I sometimes wish I could fall down there.
Water disappears...I wish I could.

Have you ever watched someone get high?
I have... It makes you think.
What if I tried it... What would it feel like.
They seem so happy nothing to worry about.
For a while at least.

Have you ever stole alcohol?
I have...It taste so good.
It helps you forget life for a couple hours.
You and your friends can have alot of fun.
I wonder if its like getting high.

Have you ever cut yourself just to see how much it would bleed?
I have... When the blood runs out its like my emotions are set free.
It hurts so much but I hurt more inside.
Maybe one day I will cut to deep.
Then end my life right there.

Have you ever been in the arms of someone who loves you?
I have...He makes me feel so important.
For a while I'm happy, I feel I do belong.
His kiss is more then I can ask for.
For once someone loves me.

Have you ever had your dad beat you up?
I have ...Physically, Emotionally it dose no good.
It hurts so much the pain is more then I can bare.
It makes you want to die.
I wish I would.

Have you ever plained to kill yourself?
I have... I know many ways.
I could take those pills, or use that gun.
A rope works to...Oh and my knife helps.
I'm not scared to die I'm scared of being alive.

Have you ever put the plan in to action?
I haven't... not yet.
Maybe todays a good day.
Where did I put that gun???
I better go find it.



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  • 19 years ago

    by Clown

    I've been high, well i am high, ive been drunk, abused and slit my wrist, the thing is the cutting only made matters worse, the drinking got me in trouble, and i dont get abused anymore cuz i learned how to swing back, and grandma dont like it when i swing, cuz i aim to kill when i swing. You have a horrible life, and all i can say is, tell someone about your dad, the law, i dont know how canada works, but here, child abouse is wrong and can get someone locked up for a long time. I cant say shit about you drinking, i love it, and i suggest if you get high, stick to pot.

  • 20 years ago

    by *tears*

    It was a really good poem. I liked it and to most of those I can say yes!! The only one I can't is putting the plan into action. But that could change, so anyways. Great poem and keep writing.

  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is really good...i like the way itz set up...take care and keep on writing!!
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy